How Much Activity Is Too Much after a Tummy Tuck?
After your tummy tuck, you’re going to want to get up, get out and get moving. But you might want to hold off on any kind of intense activity until you fully understand the physical restrictions after a tummy tuck.
Your tummy tuck recovery will be unique to you, but here are a few general guidelines for the stages of physical activity after your surgery.
Right After Tummy Tuck Surgery
Most tummy tuck recipients take at least 2 weeks off of school or work to heal from their surgery.
Immediately after your tummy tuck surgery, you’ll likely be restricted while you initially heal. Shortly thereafter, however, you’ll be able to start your physical activity with sitting, standing and walking. Walking as early as the first day after your tummy tuck surgery could help prevent the formation of blood clots, according to the Mayo Clinic. However, you may find it difficult to stand straight up after surgery due to your incision.
4 Weeks After Tummy Tuck Surgery
The first 4 weeks after your tummy tuck should be reserved for healing your body from surgery. Don’t engage in any intense physical activity during this time. Stick to shuffling around right after surgery and eventually walking normally. After 4 weeks, you can discuss returning to light physical activity — like brisk walking or light cycling — with Dr. Martin.
6-8 Weeks After Tummy Tuck Surgery
Your physical restrictions after a tummy tuck start to relax after about 6 weeks. This is the time when, with the permission of Dr. Martin, you can begin to resume most normal exercise, outside of exercises aimed directly at your midsection. (Hold off on those crunches until you get the all clear!)
While your healing timeline will be unique to you, these general guidelines can help you better understand the physical restrictions after a tummy tuck. As always, discuss your healing with Dr. Martin during your follow-up recovery appointments and follow his instructions for the best results.
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