3 Tips for a Stress-Free Recovery after Liposuction
One of the most common cosmetic procedures today is liposuction, which slims away extra body fat deposits that are tough to remove through diet and exercise. While surgical technique is the most important element in ensuring optimal liposuction results, there are also a few tips you can follow during your recovery to keep stress levels low and focus on healing.
1. Get Real
Your main priority after liposuction is to rest, and focus on nothing besides letting your body heal. It’s critical to maintain realistic expectations about your recovery time as well as how long until you’ll see your final results, which will vary depending on whether your lipo was combined with other procedures. Ease back into your daily routine and exercise regimen slowly, and don’t push yourself. Your plastic surgeon will offer recommendations (including pain medication) to help you manage any discomfort.
2. Wear the Right Stuff
After liposuction, you can expect a good deal of swelling initially. Your plastic surgeon will likely recommend wearing a compression garment or elastic bandages to help with swelling and healing. Compression garments after lipo are designed to help support your new contours and keep you comfortable as you heal.
3. Real Life Can Wait
Before you schedule your liposuction appointment, rearrange your calendar to make your recovery period as lightly scheduled as possible. Avoid making big decisions or working on complex projects during this time, and ask a friend or neighbor to help out with kids, animals or chores around the house for the first week. Don’t underestimate how much mental and physical energy it takes to simply heal after lipo. Real life can wait till you’re back on your feet again.
Ready to schedule your consultation? Give us a call at (575)521-7111 today!
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